Saturday, December 1, 2012

Essay #2 "If children behave badly, should their parents accept responsibility and also be punished?"

          Most children nowadays are more violent and stubborn that their grandparents and even their parents. Children today are treated in luxury and comfort making them spoiled and bratty in the process. This is because parents treat their children in a way that they want to be treated when they were children as well. So, are parents the reason for their child's bad behavior?

          I for one do not think that the parents are the reason for their child's bad behavior. People have different sets of traits that differentiate one another. Which means, even though the parent is raising his/her child in a good way, the child may still grow up to be a person that the parent is not expecting him/her to be. 

          There are many things that can influence a person. The best example of this is peer pressure. The child may be innocent and raised well but if accompanied by bad influences or rebellious peers, the child might become influenced. Of course, the child will not tell his/ her parents' what he/she is doing in order to not get in trouble.

          But is it the parents' fault if they do not know what their child is doing? Parents get to be blamed for their child's wrong behavior? For me, it is not the parents' fault. The child already knows that he/she is doing a bad thing. Why continue doing it? The child's life is not controlled by their parents. The parents' can lecture and remind but it is still the child's choice which path to take. The path to success? Or the path to destruction?

          That is why it is important for parents to develop a good relationship with their children. So that the child would eventually get the guilt feeling whenever he/she is doing something wrong. Children may be getting stubborn these days, but that doesn't mean there is no hope. Every child should be taught and raised carefully. It may be at home or even at school, so that he/she will become a successful person someday.

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