Sunday, December 9, 2012

Essay #9: "Are famous people treated unfairly by the media? Should they be given more privacy, or is the price of their fame an invasion into their private lives?"

 TMZ, ONTD, PEP – these are not just senseless letters put together, nor are they some sort of IM language like "LOL" but rather, they are celebrities’ worst nightmare come to life! Tabloids, gossip blogs and talk shows are just some of the ways ordinary people get a glimpse of the glitz and glamour of the celebrity life. With the advent of social networking, prying to the personal lives of superstars and high profile individuals are becoming easier by the second.

  These celebrities should be given privacy. In fact, many celebrities' lives are destroyed because of these paparazzi. Celebrities also endure the shame and embarrassment whenever they are caught on camera unexpectedly. These paparazzi will not stop until they will get something out of this people even though they are already rude to them. The paparazzi should be careful when it comes to interviewing celebrities. Celebrities may be rich, but they also have feelings and should be given privacy.
Boast: 2dayFM still have the footage advertising the stunt that has triggered revulsion around the world 
Take for instance the two Australian DJ’s who prank called King Edward VII Hospital where Duchess Catherine of Cambridge was confined for severe morning sickness, with the intention of obtaining details on her alleged pregnancy. The receptionist and Kate’s nurse fell ill to this foolish prank and gave away privileged information about Kate’s condition. The radio station argued that such ploys have been done by countless of radio stations before and is just a harmless fun joke. However, nobody could foreseen that the nurse involved would actually take her life away just for a supposedly harmless trick.

 Instances like this make me wonder, how far is too far? I know that there is a very thin line between information gathering and interfering with someone’s private life. If a simple prank call can lead a person to commit suicide then how are we to say that paparazzi stalking or twitter bashing is okay? They say that the prize of fame is an inside scoop on your personal life. I mean, aren't the media/paparazzi’s just doing their job trying to find the next big headline or in our generation, the latest top trending topic? 

 But the thing is, while celebrities are indeed public figures they do not owe the viewing public a play by play of their daily lives. They may share bits and pieces of who they are outside of their famous lifestyle but their main job is to entertain or serve the public (in the case of politicians and royals). Although gossiping about them is kind of amusing at times, they are also human beings with rights that entitle them to a certain degree of privacy.

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Essay #8 “In your opinion, what makes up a good movie?”

            In today's time, many of us pass the time inside the malls or inside the movie house. Ever wonder what attracts us to sit and enjoy a movie for at least 2 hours, sometimes more? Is it the handsome actors? The beautiful actresses? The famous locations? The story line  Or is it simply because, we don't have anything better to do?

I myself am not a fan of the movies. I like interactions and activities. But I must admit, every now and then, a certain film will capture my interest. Admittedly, good and famous actors are one of my basis for watching a film. I would feel cheated while sitting and idly watching an actor who can't even act. Another factor would be the films’ story line. I like movies that I can relate to, something realistic. Not too dramatic, and not too brutal.

Nowadays, many film makers adopt famous book novels into movies. These also interest me. I like to see how the director edits the story and see what the highlights of the book are. At the end of the film, I like to compare if there was a big difference between the book and film. If I feel like the movie was more interesting, I believe it's safe to say that it was a good movie. For this reason, the director plays a very important role as much as the actors to make up a good film.

Audiences would have different opinion whether a film is good or not. There are some who would opt not watch a film no matter how good the reviews or no matter how good the actors are. Likewise, many would watch a film over and over just because they enjoy the movie. So what really makes up a good movie?

A movie becomes good in the perspective of its viewer. Movies serve as a form of entertainment. At the end of the day, if you were enticed to sit and watch thru the entire film, then you came out feeling good and entertained. That to me is a good movie.  So if you haven’t watched a good movie, I guess it is not too late to start now.  

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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Essay #7 "Are women better parents than men?"

          Women are the light of our houses. While men are the leaders of our houses. Both of them are very important when it comes to child rearing. But who among them is the better parent? Are women really better parents than men?

          We all know that women are usually the ones who stays in the house and raise their children. They usually do the cooking, cleaning, you name it. But are women more effective parents than men? Well, I agree that women are better parents because men are more active and energetic. Instead of staying home and get bored, men go out to work and have fun with friends and colleagues.

          Women generally are sensitive and emotional than men. they will do everything just to make their child comfortable. Women also have passion when they are raising their child/children. Because of this, women do a better job when raising children.

          Men are blessed with strong bodies. They also have better body structure, that is why they are stronger than women. But , that doesn't make men better parents. Strength or body mass index has nothing to do with child rearing, It is about the passion and love of the parent that counts. That is why women are better parents than men.

          Both male and female are unique. They have their strengths and weaknesses. That is why they are perfect for each other. Men have stronger bodies that is why they are perfect for working. While women have a strong sense of emotion and tenderness, having cared for the child during conception. Mother and child have that certain bond that only they can feel. It is what makes them different from men.

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Essay #6 "Should sports classes be sacrificed in High School so students can concentrate on Academic subjects?"

          Today's classes are now composed of physical and mental education. Schools have balanced curriculum nowadays. They not only enhance and develop students' IQ (Intelligence Quotient) but also EQ (Emotional Quotient). Since every student has their unique talents and abilities, all aspects of learning should be taught to every student. But can sports classes be sacrificed so they can concentrate on their academics? Will it help them or will it burn them out? 

          Schools are institutions that help form and develop students. This is where a student learn and enhance their skills. But do we really need to sacrifice sports classes for academic classes? Personally, I really don't agree about sacrificing physical education for academic classes. Physical education is really important for us. It is both good for the body and mind. It also serves as a subject of enjoyment and relaxation.

          Physical education is the only subject that includes sports and development. So this is were students who are not academically inclined, enjoy and excel. Sportsmanship which is very important in every individual is acquired here. Sportsmanship is learned and developed through friendly matches/ competitions starting at an early age of 4 or 5. Physical education also includes exercise, which is very important to ones body.

          Yes, academics are also important. Science, Mathematics, English is valuable in preparing for our future. But every individual is unique, there are people that are born to be scientists, mathematicians, musicians and the like. There are also individuals that when trained properly will be a great sportsman. That is why I think that sports classes should not be sacrificed for the concentration of academic subjects.

          Academic learning is important but physical training is equally important. We may develop great Scientists, Mathematicians, etc. but if they are not physically fit to do their work, it is useless. Mental and physical health is important in achieving one's goals in life. So, why do we have to complicate things. Education should be an enjoyable experience. Let us keep it that way.

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Friday, December 7, 2012

Essay #5 "Should rich countries pay more for environmental damage?"

          It was a lazy Sunday, feeling sick, i grabbed the Sunday paper and to my surprise... "The world will not end, but the kind of world we know will surely end." written by Jeannie Javelosa. Yes, geological cycles have changed. There has been crisis upon crisis because of global warming as they often say. What can we do about it? Do rich countries really need to pay more for environment damage?
          Rich countries has all the technologies and luxuries in life. They enjoy fully air conditioned buildings and homes. Microwave oven, refrigerators, freezers, you name it, they have it all. But some of these appliances emits harmful radiation. The most infamous of these is the so called Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) which contributes greatly in ozone depletion.
          Countries like the US, Japan, China have lots of money to finance oil drills, coal extraction and mining in third world countries like ours. They are able to bring our natural resources to their country leaving us with nothing but deluded forests and toxic waste.

          Others say that, they give jobs to our people. They employ locals in the community to do the drilling, extracting and transportation of oils and minerals. Sometimes they bring about developments in the community while they are doing business in the country. But these are minor issues. The destruction that these foreign funded companies does to our country is beyond comprehension. Recent events can at attest to this.

          Well, rich countries contributes to employment and development in countries where they conduct their business. They also contribute to the destruction and extinction of natural resources in these countries. It is just right for rich countries to take responsibility of our destruction of mother earth. Yes, rich countries should pay more for environmental damages since they are responsible to a great percentage of these damages.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Essay #4 "Should children be taught sex education in schools?"

          The family is the basic social institution of every society. This is where values are first acquired and practiced. But with the emerging advancement in technology most parents are unaware that their "babies" are capable of making babies themselves. Most often, parents are not comfortable in teaching sex education to their children. That is why sex education should be taught in schools.
          Young adults nowadays are getting sexually active. Having sex while at the age of 14 even 13 can be viewed in the screen. Sensual photos can be seen in the sidewalk. All these things plus lack of knowledge in the aftermath of sex entices young people to engage in sexual intercourse. The feeling may be wonderful but what if your boyfriend leaves you. What if you get pregnant? What do you do?

          Teenagers who are "out of school" are most prone to teenage pregnancy. The changes in our body and in life when reaching adulthood set the stage for lust. This begins at age 12 where most girls gets their first period. Since they were not taught about the dangers of falling into lust, Girls get pregnant even at the age of 13. The local government should look into this so that no youth will be out of school.

          Some wouldn't agree that sex education should be taught to children at age 12 because according to them the teachers would be putting malice on their children's innocent minds. Of course, the teachers will tell the children that it is bad and should not be done in their current ages. In that case, the children will know that sex is bad and should be avoided. Another positive thing is that the children will not be curious when it comes to those things.

          School, as we all know is a place for learning. When we were toddlers we learned to read and write. We learned a lot as we move through the ladder. This is also the best place to develop mature and responsible individuals. Teaching them sex education at school would be just right because here, they learn not only the positive side but also the negative of it. So why teach sex education elsewhere?

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Essay #3 "Is animal testing necessary?"

          Animals nowadays are being tested with chemicals and other substances. Substances when mixed with other elements can be medically beneficial to us humans. The purpose is to discover a new drug that could cure advance stages of cancer and other ailments. But is animal testing necessary? Do we have to sacrifice these animals for our benefits?

           Animal testing requires subjecting the animals to a series of studies to discover an unknown effect. This is done in a controlled environment. Here, the animals under experimentation are forced to undergo several tests that are consistently evaluated. With this, the scientists can inform us if a new more enhanced drug has been invented. Another thing is that, people's lives can be saved through animal experimentation.

          Like all other experiments, not all end up a success. Sometimes multiple number of animals are required to know the effects. This is why we cannot experiment on human beings. A scientist needs ti use other forms of living things closest to men. That is why animals are chosen to be the specimen for a specific experimentation.

          People say that using animals in trying to discover modern medicine or advance cure is cruel. Animals have their rights. Well, it would be better for the us to survive longer than the animal raise. That is why we are testing animals not just for the scientist's own benefit but for also the people who think that animals testing is wrong. We must not be carried away by our emotions, we should go back to the reality that we need better medicine in the future.

          Yes, animal testing may not be humane but there is far more greater benefits we can derive from it. Imagine the lives that can be saved as a result of these experiments. Well, if scientists can device a way to make their experiments less stressful and be more animal friendly, then why not? Nothing is impossible these days.

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Essay #2 "If children behave badly, should their parents accept responsibility and also be punished?"

          Most children nowadays are more violent and stubborn that their grandparents and even their parents. Children today are treated in luxury and comfort making them spoiled and bratty in the process. This is because parents treat their children in a way that they want to be treated when they were children as well. So, are parents the reason for their child's bad behavior?

          I for one do not think that the parents are the reason for their child's bad behavior. People have different sets of traits that differentiate one another. Which means, even though the parent is raising his/her child in a good way, the child may still grow up to be a person that the parent is not expecting him/her to be. 

          There are many things that can influence a person. The best example of this is peer pressure. The child may be innocent and raised well but if accompanied by bad influences or rebellious peers, the child might become influenced. Of course, the child will not tell his/ her parents' what he/she is doing in order to not get in trouble.

          But is it the parents' fault if they do not know what their child is doing? Parents get to be blamed for their child's wrong behavior? For me, it is not the parents' fault. The child already knows that he/she is doing a bad thing. Why continue doing it? The child's life is not controlled by their parents. The parents' can lecture and remind but it is still the child's choice which path to take. The path to success? Or the path to destruction?

          That is why it is important for parents to develop a good relationship with their children. So that the child would eventually get the guilt feeling whenever he/she is doing something wrong. Children may be getting stubborn these days, but that doesn't mean there is no hope. Every child should be taught and raised carefully. It may be at home or even at school, so that he/she will become a successful person someday.

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